Central Analytical Laboratory
Central Analytical Laboratory at the Pulp and Paper Institute works in accordance with the accreditation requirements, applying continuous risk management:
1) Time working: 08:30 AM ÷ 16:30 PM;
2) Bacreticidal lamps turned on during the Laboratory outside opening hours;
3) Daily disinfection of surfaces in workrooms with solutions that do not disturb the environmental conditions;
4) Flexible working hours so that no more than two people work in one room.
Contact: Eng. Svetla Tsanova
GSM: +359 896 705 153
Direct: +359 2 40 400 47 ; +359 882 612 376
Central: +359 2 973 27 85; +359 2 973 28 07; +359 2 973 28 80
Fax: +359 2 973 22 89

In the Pulp and Paper Institute there is an ISO 17025 standardized Central Analytical Laboratory for analysis and testing of: fibrous material (pulp, semichemical pulp, mechanical pulp, secondary fibers from waste paper), all kinds of paper and board, paper and board packaging.
The Central Analytical Laboratory at the Institute is one of the four laboratories worldwide approved by IKEA for testing of corrugated board packaging materials.